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Select Board Meeting Minutes 10/21/13
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Last Updated: 2013/10/28
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 10/21/13

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Muriel Lazzarini, Chairperson and Wayne Burkhart
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Susan Gallant for the Monterey News, Alan Salamon, Planning Board member and Sergeant Johnson

The board met with Director of Operations, Maynard Forbes’ to review the following:
1.  Maynard brought in grant paperwork for a safety trailer available through MIIA.  The trailer is $5,000 and the grant is also for $5,000.  A motion was made to accept and sign the paperwork, which was seconded and approved.
2.  Maynard provided a letter with a detailed description of the road assessment that the Fire Department recently did for Sylvan and Point Roads.  Chief Tryon is requesting that the Board sign the letter (attached) before it is distributed to the private road associations.
3.  Fire department training paperwork was also signed.
4.  Maynard updated the Board on the Lake Garfield drawdown progress and noted that each time the dam is opened he is taking pictures of Lake Buel to monitor any effects of the drawdown, which is minimal.
5.  The new highway member Don is doing really well.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Alan Salamon of the Planning Board came in to briefly discuss the Planning Board’s position on medical marijuana dispensary sites and options for creating bylaws with regards to allowing them in Monterey.  The Planning Board recommends adopting a moratorium to allow Monterey to have adequate time to develop our own regulations.  In order to adopt a moratorium a town meeting vote is required.  Muriel stated that we are going to need a special town meeting before January with regards to the RT 23 paving project and a necessary easement.  The Select Board agreed with this recommendation and will get back to the Planning Board with some suggested dates for the special town meeting.  Maynard stated that we need to hold the Special Town Meeting before January.
2.  The minutes from 10.7.13 were approved as written.
3.  The Board asked M. Noe to follow up with the Treasurer on a firemen pay detail question on the warrant and get an update on the IRS audit.
4.  The Board agreed to allow M. Noe to attend the MMA Annual trade show in January.  Conference, room and mileage will be paid for by the Town.  Melissa will consult with the Board about the seminars she will attend.
5.  Assistant Accountant: The Board agreed to keep Maryellen Brown as the Assistant Account and discussed paying her a $3,000/yr stipend to assist Brendan in correcting several errors found and to get the books up to date.  The $3,000 stipend was an amount recommended by the Finance Committee and Scott Jenssen.  Since Maryellen was paid through the Accountant Salary line item for work done in July, $250 will be subtracted from the $3,000 for payments through the rest of the FY.
6.  The Board approved amending the handbook to state that the mileage reimbursement rate will follow with the GSA rate which appears to be updated annually.
7.  PPO plans: M. Noe checked with MIIA and the Town has to choose one PPO plan to offer employees and cannot offer all 3 for the employee to choose.  Group plans are designed to direct and manage costs to one plan.  The Board reviewed the 3 plans available and voted to offer the Blue Care Elect Preferred with the $25 co-pay which was the closest to our current HMO plan.  This will be added to the handbook and the employees will be notified of the additional plan available.
8.  Sergeant Johnson came in to notify the Board of a missing person in Town and the steps that have been taken by our Police Department in trying to locate the individual.  He also asked for the Board to find a date for the ceremony to honor a local hero who took action in a recent emergency situation in Monterey.
9.  MGL Chapter 32B section that was accepted at Town Meeting in 2006.  The AG’s Office has confirmed that when a Town accepts a MGL they do not review or approve it unless the town is amending or altering the MGL.  M. Noe was asked to follow up with Town Counsel to see if our bylaw needs to be updated to include that Medicare Part A & B are required or is it moot since Medicare requires that you have A & B if you do not collect Social Security, which Town employees do not.
10.  Lifeguard/Beach update:  The Board had asked M. Noe to follow up with Town Counsel on whether requiring camps to bring their own lifeguards would create any additional liabilities for the Town.  It does not per MGL Chapter 21 Section 17c Subsection (a).  Town Counsel stated that as long as the Town does not charge anything to go to the beach (or any other public place) we are not liable unless a town official/employee acts willfully, wantonly or recklessly.
11.  Muriel noted that according to the Assessor’s meeting minutes their books have been closed for FY14 until such time as the State gives approval for the LA14.
12.  Muriel reported that she attended Octoberfest which was put on by the Friends of Wilson McLaughlin at the proposed community center site and it was well attended by very happy people.  She stated that she ran into Susan Bacheldor who is a resident of Egremont, but also owns property in Monterey and she suggested that Monterey look into accepting a Monterey Preservation District which might allow for grant monies to assist in construction of the community center.  Susan also noted that there is a group called Circuit Riders that will assist in getting historical grants.  The Board also received a complaint from Dale Duryea regarding the parking on New Marlboro Rd for this event.  Muriel read a suggested response to Dale which M. Noe will send (attached).
13.  Muriel attended the Parks Commissions special meeting regarding a proposed dog park on the Town property behind the pavilion.  The proponents of Jamie’s Court also attended the meeting and hope to have their court installed this spring and noted that the surface is moveable so if it was ever decided to move it somewhere else it would be easy.  The general consensus was to keep the playground and the basketball court in their current locations.  The only thing that everyone at the meeting was in support of was the proposed dog park.  One abutter present requested that a barrier of some sort be installed to distinguish the property lines and keep people from wandering onto their property and another abutter reminded everyone that he has a legal shooting range on his property which may startle the dogs and their owners.  No one was interested in the amphitheater or cross country trails but respondents have until November 15th to complete the online survey.
14.  The Board requested that M. Noe add the Veteran’s Committee members names and contact info to the website and to follow up with them on the policies for adding Veteran’s names to the board at the Memorial Park.
15.  A motion was made to appoint Emma Micklewright to the Monterey Cultural Council for a 3 year term which was seconded and approved.
16.  The Monterey Kindergarteners will be trick or treating at the Town Hall on October 31st at 10am.
17.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Opinion from Attorney Collins on proposed regulation regarding retiree health insurance and limiting their coverage (attached).  Muriel suggested waiting to see what happens with the Governor’s proposed plan before making any decisions that will affect Monterey.
b.  Bill from Attorney Collins for work done.  $1,145 will be taken from Select Board expenses and $1,000 from Town Counsel expenses to pay it.
c.  Notification from DCR regarding a forest cutting project at Hume, 73 Chestnut Hill.
d.  Letter from IISO regarding Building Code Effectiveness in the Town Hall.  We have scored a 5, anyone wishing to see the reports should contact the Building Commissioner.
e.  Letter from Mayor Daniel L. Bianchi with regards to the Berkshire County Regional Employment Board, Inc.
18.  Warrants were signed.
19.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:34am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Executive Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book